salad days

October 28, 2015

My salad days,
When I was green in judgment, cold in blood,
To say as I said then! - Anthony and Cleopatra, Act I Scene 5

Sometimes I wonder about my raw youth days and whether I lived them right. Sometimes I wonder if my salad days are behind me.  These are the thoughts which cloud my mind these days


monday morning tunes #2

October 26, 2015

I can't wait you see me 'round the corner, 
running up into the upswing
Call me, I'm done, when I speak about the truth
The moment come the bottom to the down beat, 
It's not easy there when you feel the wear
Patients bring the chair, ooh-oh oooh-oh
Everyday do you notice that we're never free
Why can't you be, happy with me?


notes on a thursday

October 23, 2015

London 2014

Waking up before dawn. The darkness of the sky.The warmness of the coffee cup. 

Then noise and brownian movement. 
Then silence again.

A spider web in the raw morning sunlight. An orange-yellowish sky as I wait to cross the street. 
Crowded subway. 

An old lady carrying two bags of flowers. People walk by."Let me help you with that!" She's a blend of olden day elegance, simplicity and poverty. "Have a good day! Thank you again, dear!" 

Rush, rush, rush.Catching two green trafficking stops.

Faith in humanity is shattered.

Blue skies getting swallowed by grey clouds. 

By 11, I get hungry; I might be a hobbit. 

"Some girls are bright as morning
 And some girls are blessed with a dark turn of mind"

Writing. Not writing. Writing. Not. It's a process. The mind gathers pollution. 

Faith in humanity is rebuilt.

Translating away.

At 1:11 a mild existential crisis ensues.

A short walk to buy lunch. It rains. A bikini bottom hangs from a tree. I stopped asking why a long time ago. A bag of apples left near the cash register. "Here's your coupon, If you follow the instructions, you could win a trip". Not with my luck. Back inside, enjoying the warmth.

Mild existential crisis subsides. Today I was reminded why I went to law school; words are magical and mathematical at the same time. A question still plagues me how do I unravel this torment. 

Back in the rain. Sneakers squeak. Feet are cold. I wanted to buy a fountain pen as a gift for my future self. I bought a book instead. 

Rain. Rush. Crowded. Rush. Rain. 

Irgendwie, erstaundlich, Fingerabdruck, hinein, leidenschaftlich, Vergiftung, überaschen, etwas Schönes. Die großen blauen Pferde. German expressionism. 

Rain. Tram. Rush. 


Washing the make-up off my face. 

Cozy in bed. 


Tomorrow is another day.


second spring

October 21, 2015

October 2015
Sometimes nature is tricked into a second spring.


monday morning tunes #1

October 19, 2015

'Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done
I need to be youthfully felt 'cause, God, I never felt young
Life should be as good as this song sounds.

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